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How to Delete a Microsoft Account?

08 Sep 2022

If you are forecasting deleting your Microsoft account, it can be for several reasons. You might be considering, for instance, integrating your accounts into one. Or maybe you haven't used your Microsoft Account in ages and you're just ready to get rid of it. Or perhaps because you are depleted from the Microsoft service.

Whatever the cause is, be cautious that this will delete all of your data associated with the account—meaning any emails in your inbox, files stored in OneDrive, and any purchased apps or content from the Microsoft Store. If you are okay with that, then follow these instructions.

Accounts Linked To Your Microsoft Account

If you shut down your Microsoft account, you will lose access to any of the services associated with Microsoft including Outlook.com, OneDrive, Xbox Live, or Skype. If you have a paid subscription to any of those services, like Office 365, closing your account will automatically cancel your subscription. And if you have an email address with the Outlook.com domain, you’ll no longer be able to use it to send or receive emails. Additionally, any subscriptions connected to the account will be canceled and unable to be used going forward.

Deleting Your Microsoft Account

If you're ready to say goodbye to your Microsoft account, here's how to do it. Just keep in mind that this will delete all of the data associated with your account, including your saved files, Xbox Gamertag, and more as mentioned above. If there's anything else you need from the account before closure, be sure to retrieve it beforehand.

To delete your Microsoft account, head to the Account support page and sign in with the account you want to delete. Once you're signed in, scroll down, and click on the "Close my account" link at the bottom of the page. On the next page, click on the "Security" tab and then scroll down to find the "Close my Microsoft account" section. Click on the "Get started" button and then follow the instructions on the screen to confirm that you want to delete your Microsoft account.

Deleting Your Deceased Person’s Microsoft Account

If you’re the Executor of an estate or someone who manages a deceased person’s digital life, you can close their Microsoft account. This will help preserve the privacy of the account holder and prevent fraudsters from taking advantage of the situation.

To close a Microsoft account, you’ll need to provide some documentation to prove your relationship to the deceased and their death certificate. You will need to provide them with the following information:

· The name of the deceased person

· The email address associated with the account

· A copy of the death certificate

· Your contact information

Once Microsoft has verified the death, they will delete the account and send you a confirmation email.

Delete Your Inactive Accounts

We often forget to delete the accounts we no longer use. This can be a big problem because these dormant accounts are a security risk. If your account is compromised, it can be used to access other accounts and steal your personal information. Inactive accounts can be a goldmine for hackers who want to mine your personal data. Even if you’re not actively using the account, it’s still collecting data about you. The best way to protect yourself is to delete any unused social media accounts.

You might not think that keeping an inactive account is a big deal, but it can actually pose a security risk. If your information falls into the wrong hands, they could use it to impersonate you or commit fraud. By deleting these old accounts, you not only protect your privacy but also reduce the amount of spam and marketing messages you receive. While some of us don’t mind a promotional message now and then, it can become very annoying when we’re bombarded with them on a daily basis. So declutter your online life and get rid of those unnecessary accounts!

So, take some time every few months to go through your list of accounts and delete any that you no longer use. It’s a tedious task, but it’s worth it for peace of mind.


If you need to delete your Microsoft account, follow the steps outlined in this article. Be sure to export any data you want to keep before deleting the account, as once it's gone, it's gone for good. Keep in mind that deleting a Microsoft account also deletes any associated Outlook or Skype accounts. If you're not sure whether you want to delete your account or just take a break from using it, Microsoft also offers the option to suspend an account.